Ode to Stretch Marks – The scars of a fat housewife

Ode to Stretch Marks

Photo on 2014-02-03 at 11.44 #2Stretch marks Stretch marks how I loathe thee so

You have marked my body for everyone to know

I was once a fat girl hiding in my clothes

With your shiny silver appearance I feel like everyone knows

Pink, Purple and sometimes blue

Your faded colour has scarred me it’s true

No one can see the stretch marks on my brain

But the memories of hiding still remain

Laser, Tummy Tuck or Creams with boiled flesh in it

Maybe it’s time to just be zen with it

A reminder or a Battle Scar I need to choose

With a smile and a shrug I know I have nothing to lose

The bikini might wait for another day

But I am who I am no matter what way!


Much Love to my stretch marks,

The “Plateaued” Housewife