Jackfruit Seed


We finished the Jackfruit and saved the seeds.

My husband told me we were eating food of the long ago people



Spread the fresh jackfruit seeds out on a baking sheet and let dry overnight.  (They can get moldy if they are in a heap)

bake at 350

Bake at 350F for 1hour and 15min or until seed inside the skin is light brown. (not quite the colour of an almond)
No salt no oil


Remove the outer skin.


Eat.  Enjoy.

Jackfruit Seed Benefits

benefits of jackfruit seeds click here to go to website


Jackfruit Seeds Benefits For Skin:

This yummy tasting fruit’s seeds can actually help you get yummy-looking skin. Here are the benefits that jackfruit seeds offer to your skin:

1. Fights wrinkles:

Take a seed of jackfruit and keep it dipped in cold milk for a while. Grind it well and apply softly on your wrinkles. It is believed to work on wrinkles in just about four-five weeks time. Apply regularly for best results.

2. Helps get a glowing complexion:

Jackfruit seeds can be consumed directly. It helps prevent constipation as it is high on fiber content. This in turn helps clear constipation. A detoxified system is the first and foremost thing for a glowing complexion.

3. Flawless skin:

Jackfruit seed is used to get a flawless skin. You just need to soak the dry seed with some milk and honey and grind it into a fine paste. Now apply this paste on your face evenly and let it dry completely. Wash it off to get a flawless skin within minutes.

[ Read: Benefits of Soaked Almonds ]

Jackfruit Seeds Benefits For Health:

Jackfruit seeds have a very high nutrient value. They are even used for treating a number of ailments. Here are the top general health benefits of jackfruit seeds:

1. High in protein:

Jackfruit seeds are high in protein. You can consume the seeds by adding them to different dishes that you cook. It can replace lentils in your daily diet.

[ Read: Sea Salt ]

2. Anti-cancer nutrients:

Jackfruit seeds have a lot of phytonutrients that help fight cancer.

3. Comfort from indigestion:

The powdered jackfruit seeds can help get instant relief from indigestion. You may sun-dry jackfruit seeds and then grind it to get powder or use the one available in the market.

Jackfruit Seeds Benefits For Hair

Jackfruit seeds have been proved beneficial for hair as well. They promote good hair health. Read on to know more about these benefits:

1. Promotes hair growth:

Jackfruit seeds promote healthy blood circulation. Now proper blood circulation is extremely important for good hair growth. Hence it promotes hair growth.

[ Read: Peppermint Oil ]

2. Vitamin A:

Jackfruit seeds are high on vitamin A, which is the one of the most important vitamins for hair health as it prevents dry and brittle hair.

3. Healthy digestion:

Once again, healthy digestion is important for good hair. If your digestive system has a problem, it may affect your liver which in turn may give rise to hair fall. Jackfruit seeds promote healthy digestion and hence keep your liver and your hair fall under check.